In 2018, NOCTURNE has partnered with the Aboriginal Curatorial Collective to bring you NOMADIC RECIPROCITY curated by Raven Davis. Today, we are excited to announce the 2018 festival line-up of artists. This list is just a taste of what will take place during this year’s festival and we have much more to announce as the days get closer. We have included links below to the artists websites or places to learn more about each artists work! We will announce their project names, descriptions and locations throughout the days leading up to NOCTURNE 2018.
This panel discussion features Indigenous artists and curators working acorss colonial boundaries and borders between regions and between peoples and communities. Many challenges are faced daily as practices migrate through territories engaging in various critical discourses. What are the challenges and opportunities in asserting Indigenous continuity across spaces controlled by various nation states? How do we build bridges for greater understanding and interconnected futures?
Facilitator: Nadia Myre